The Cross was Judgement Day for the gods
Redemptive Loose Ends
Why The Virgin Birth?
Matthew 1:18-25/Luke1:31-35
The Life of David: 2 Scenes
God against the god's: The Plagues of Egypt
Faithfulness in Evangelism
Take Possession of the Land
God Against the gods
Theology of the Land
God Declares War
Genesis 11:19
Deuteronomy 32
The Tower of Babel
The Cross & Resurrection: What Really Happened
Palm Sunday (Supernatural Version)
Living Life in the Supernatural Storyline - Corporately (Missionally)
Matthew 28:18-20
Living in The Supernatural Storyline- Personally
The Curse of Who?
Genesis 6-9
Who are the Nephilim
Genesis 6
Who are the Sons of God
From Genesis 6:1-4
The End of The Beginning
Genesis 3:20 - 5:32