Romas 12:12
The Maturity of Knowing Him Pt. III
The Maturity of Knowing Him Pt. II
The Maturity of Knowing Him
There's Levels To This
What is Eternal Life?
A Secret to Maturity
We Have To Be Honest About Faith
The Sensational Ordinary Birth of Jesus
Faith vs Sight: The Good Fight
Superman vs Supernatural
Jesus The Non-Sensational God
When we hear stories of Jesus miracles, we often have a picture in our minds of Jesus walking around performing amazing miracles and blowing people away with his superhuman power. If we look more closely at these narratives and think critically, we can see that Jesus worked through the mundane and ordinary things which required supernatural faith instead of faith by sight. Looking at how Jesus was tempted by Satan, we see how Jesus fought with the Word of God rather than superhuman power. We have the opportunity to reflect on how Satan also tempts us.